The Traveling Tales of Marty The Medi Teddy

Blazing a Trail and Providing Comfort to Adults in the IV Infusion Community

The Traveling Tales of Marty The Medi Teddy image

*******To read more about Frank, Medi Teddy inventor Ella, and Marty and Medi Teddy's story of hope and resilience, please click here. ***********

Medi Teddy IV Covers hide unsightly blood and medicine from infusion patients helping to reduce anxiety and normalize medical treatments. Cancer patient, Frank Lombardo, learned firsthand - when one special friend sent him an unusual gift - that Medi Teddy IV Covers can also open the door to communication and companionship among adults who are often receiving infusions in large hospital infusion suites together.

Frank named his Medi Teddy IV Cover "Marty" and found Marty added a light-hearted touch to the heavy challenges of chemotherapy, blood transfusions, and medications. Frank quickly learned that other infusion patients wanted their own Medi Teddy IV Covers, too, so Frank, despite all he was going through, purchased several and began to give them out to others he encountered on his cancer journey.

Despite his continued battle with metastatic colon cancer, Frank has amazed us by wanting to expand his giving and reach even more patients.

Your donation will allow Frank to give Medi Teddy IV Covers to patients he encounters along his way: a parent afraid of the bag of blood hanging at their child's bedside, a grandparent receiving infusions who wants to make things less scary when his grandchildren visit, or a child, too young to understand what is happening, but who finds comfort in the smiling face of Medi Teddy.

Thank you for your gift of comfort.